Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3D Modeling & Texturing Environment Reel

Modeling & Texturing Reel 2010 from Jonathan George on Vimeo.

This is my Modeling & Texturing Reel I created during my time at Vancouver Film School. It was a 6 month project. I spent the first 3 months modeling and lighting the scene. Then the final 3 months were spent unwrapping, texturing, and rendering. Everything except the Ship Design (Danny Gardner) was my design and creation. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!

I have spent the past week working on a low-poly indoor scene. It's been really fun learning more about lighting within Maya. Right now, I am at 13k polys, but I am wanting to add more props this week. It will be done by the end of the week, gotta start some new work!